суббота, 9 мая 2009 г.

Turmoil in Ukraine

Since I have been in the states many have asked me about the political situation in Ukraine. The economy has become the victim of the political bickering between President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Tymoshenko. While the fighting continues over who should lead the country, factories are laying off thousands of workers, cities have gone days without heat unable to pay their bills, and lines are forming outside the banks as people have already withdrawn 20% of their savings. The frustration and disappointment of those who had placed their hope in the Orange Revolution is evident everywhere. Tents are back in downtown Kiev, but this time the banners read “Everyone out.”

It seems like Ukraine is on the edge of another revolution and Russia is positioning itself to pick up the pieces and use Ukraine as an example to other former Soviet countries as a warning of what happens when Western free market practices are adopted. Some are predicting the first region of Ukraine to split will be Zarcarpatia. Zarcarpatia has historically been under Hungarian rule in the Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg Empire that fell apart after World War I. And there are those who are predicting the region will petition to rejoin Hungary. Russia will allow this in return for Europe allowing Crimea to return to Russia. This will be followed with Chernivsti bringing its region back into Romania and then the rest of Ukraine splitting in half – the Eastern half returning to Russia and the Western half destined to struggle on its own until out of fatigue it is forced to also rejoin Russia.

So what is going to happen in Ukraine? No one really knows. The only thing we do know is the country is in turmoil and the political fighting must stop if the country and its people are going to grow and live normal lives. Pray for Ukraine and for the leaders of the country. What happens today will determine the future for the children. They deserve better! Thanks!

KievForRent.com: apartment rental in kiev

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